How to make a basic webpage(website)

To start, you need to have a text editor like Notepad(Windows only) or TextEdit(Mac only)
I will be using Notepad++
Now, follow the steps as shown:
1. Create a new file

2. Save the file (Ctrl(Cmd) + Shift + A or Ctrl(Cmd) + Alt + S)

3. Save as .html file named "index.html"

4. Set language to HTML(if it isn't)

5. Type "!DOCTYPE html" with brackets ( < > ) to tell the computer that we are programming in HTML 5, the latest version of HTML

6. Type "html" also with brackets

7. Type "head", this is the begining of the head of our website.
The head is the part where you see on the top of your web browser

8. Now type "meta" meta means meta data. Meta data means data of data, like your description about your website. Now type a atributte called charset inside the meta tag, which tells the computer how to encode the file/website on, let's
do utf-8, utf-8 (You can type it as UTF-8 too) is a very common encoding type.

9. You will need a title to show your users what your website is about, it is like a title of a book, I'm going to name a "A Website" for now , but you can name it anything you want

10. Now let's close the head tag by typing "head", but with a forward slash in front of it.

Now, for the content!

11. To make a heading, type h1 for the largest and boldest heading, and h6 for the smallest heading. You can choose any heading between h1 to h6.

Here is a example of a h1 heading:

A h1 heading

12. To make some regular paragraph text, type "p" for paragraph text. The text you are reading is paragraph text

13. Italic text, bold text, and others:
14. Images, type the link to the image inside the src. The file entesion does not have to be .png:
15. To run your website open your file in your browser and you should see it!

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